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this is me.

Chapter One.

How many times does it have to be said that the only thing that can stop you from reaching your goals and doing what you want is yourself before it will stick?

For me, it took until right now.

When I began writing, it was in a 32-page, blue Hilroy exercise book at the age of seven. I wrote short stories about a fictional character named Emma. She was a girl my age, and I wrote all about her life, her friends, and her family. When I told one of my aunt's about my writing, she took my filled-out Hilroy exercise book and 'published' it for me. She added illustrations, a cover and a black spiral binding, and printed two copies for me for my birthday. At seven years old, I thought I was a published author, and I can still remember how that made me feel. I thought I was the coolest seven year old in town, and had dreams of writing a book "as big as the dictionary" someday. For some reason though, while I kept on writing every once in a while, that was the last time I really ever shared it. I grew away from fiction writing, but writing was still something I loved nonetheless. But, the dreams I had as a young writer had faded.

I can remember being in junior high finding blogs for the first time, and knowing that that was something I wanted to do. All the feelings I used to get about writing as a kid came flooding back. I wanted to write. I wanted to write because I wanted to make people feel something or learn something from what I wrote, whether it was from me sharing my life experiences or my opinions on some matter, or perhaps from some poetry or prose that could make somebody feel something, make them laugh, or even just have them think, "Hey, I feel like that sometimes too." It's been years since I started thinking about starting a blog, mostly just to have a creative outlet for myself just to write, but also so that people could follow along on my journey if they so wished (looking at you mom and dad).

What I had to come to terms with before finally launching a blog at 19 was that, just like anything, it was never going to be perfect. No matter how many hours I put into writing and editing (and re-writing and re-editing...), there would never come a time at which I would believe that my writing was without flaw. However, I've gotten to the point where I now think that, even if the content I put out into the world has imperfections, it still has value. I like to think that my perspective as a student, a daughter, a sister, a writer, a musician, a partner, etc. has something to offer, even if that's just to one other person. So, no matter how flawed, today marks the day when I'm finally putting some of my thoughts out into the world, and also the day that I will start documenting these next few years of my life when I'm (supposedly) figuring everything out. If you're planning to follow me on this journey, you can expect to see some more posts like this, but also more lifestyle-blog type posts concerning my experiences as a young adult, whether that be student-related, life-related or something else. That's just the beginning. I'm excited to see the direction in which this blogging platform goes, and I hope you'll come along for the ride. It might sound like it's a little all over the place for now, but then again, so am I. If nothing else, at least I can finally say that I've started.

Stay tuned,